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Writer's pictureMarziyeh Amirizadeh

Why This Iranian American Christian Woman Will Not Vote for Kamala

Amid the Democratic National Convention taking place in Chicago, there’s legitimate excitement seeing a woman heading a major political party’s ticket this year. Women are being encouraged to vote for Kamala Harris as a woman.  But as a Christian, Iranian American woman, I will not be voting for Kamala because she represents exactly the values that endanger women in the Middle East and around the world. And neither should you.


For my first 33 years I lived under the harsh rules of the extremist Iranian Islamic regime. I have countless scars of extremist Islam, including the torture and death of my husband, breaking apart of my family, my arrest and imprisonment, misogyny in every aspect of life, and execution of my closest friend.


 I am very grateful to the United States, my adopted country and home, for providing me all the freedom as a woman, free from fear, persecution, and discrimination. I appreciate all my freedoms in America, and I always celebrate seeing women being empowered, flourishing, and attaining the highest leadership positions.


However, being a woman is not a good enough reason to vote for a candidate, especially when such a candidate does so much harm to the well-being of hundreds of millions of women around the world. There’s no more vivid example of how Kamila Harris threatens women than by her support of the evil Islamic Republic regime, the enemy of women everywhere.

When I emigrated to the United States after being sentenced to death by hanging in Iran for the “crime” of converting to Christianity, I thought that in America I will be safe to be a Christian and express my faith freely. After a few years and completing two degrees, I was shocked and disappointed seeing how some American leaders endanger America’s core Judeo-Christian values.


America’s misguided policies of appeasing Iran’s evil ayatollahs, serve as useful idiots to the Islamic regime. Rather than holding the Islamic Republic regime accountable, many politicians have empowered and strengthened them.


It is enraging to see that close advisors of some of our democratic leaders/politicians are agents of the evil ayatollahs who have infiltrated American society, politics, and media to threaten America from within.


Because I love America, it’s urgent to warn Americans about the importance of preserving our freedoms and values, and exposing the lies of the Islamic regime’s agents in our midst, especially those embraced by people like Kamala.


Too many times, I have seen Kamala speaking at events standing next to and being embraced by well-known agents of the Islamic regime. Any average Iranian knows the truth that Americans who support Kamala must know; these agents pose a huge threat to America and the world, and of course women.


 Through these events, and her actions and record, Kamala clearly supports the National Iranian American Council (NIAC) hated by Iranians because of its treason to their own people.


As a woman, how can Kamala be so indifferent to the suffering of Iranian women who have been persecuted, abused, and murdered because of not having a proper Islamic hijab, or being subservient to men. One prominent example is Mahsa Amini who was murdered in 2022. Another recent example is Arezoo Badri who was shot by the regime’s “morality police” just a month ago, and who is still fighting for her life. How can Kamala close her eyes to the women whose faces were scarred permanently because of radical Muslims throwing acid into their faces for not obeying the strict Islamic rules? How can she stand with exported agents of the Iranian regime in America, much less listen to their advice?


How can she stand with and appease the enemies of our allies such as Hamas which massacred and kidnapped many innocent Israelis, and Americans?  As a woman, how can her policies (much less who she associates with) not reflect the simple truth that the savage Islamic terrorists responsible for killing, kidnapping, raping, sexually mutilating, and dragging the bodies of innocent women through the streets of Gaza are the enemies of all women?


For decades, Iranians have been fighting against the Islamic regime. One reason that Iranians could not overthrow the regime is because of the betrayal of Obama and Biden, and now Kamala. By supporting the Islamic regime financially, appeasing them diplomatically, they have emboldened it and its terrorist tentacles around the world, subjecting women to unspeakable horrors.


Radical Muslims have ruined the life of many women in the Middle East including me. How can Kamala declare, “We will fight against anti-Muslim rhetoric. We are going to fight for our Muslim brothers and sisters,” while standing with the members of NIAC who embrace it.


By fighting “against anti-Muslim rhetoric” it is clear who she is going to fight for, and who not for. She will not fight for America but for the Islamic regime and its agents. She will not fight for women who have suffered under Islamic rule, or for women in general.


 Instead of fighting for our Judeo-Christian values, she’s fighting for the dangerous misogynist Islamic values. A Kamala presidency will empower radical Muslims to achieve their goal dominating America and the whole word; to convert everyone to Islam through force.


Women who have been subjugated by misogynist Islamic rules and societies, who have been beaten, disfigured, imprisoned, and murdered, as women, do not care about the “right to choose.” If America does not wake up to stop appeasing the Islamic regime and all it represents, these threats to women here are not far away, and the only choice will be what color hijab to wear. Maybe.


In a candid moment, Kamala described herself aptly. “As a woman there is a balance to be struck between being tough and being a bitch,” followed by her hysterical laughter. I appreciate her moment of honesty. Because only a bitch is able to betray millions of oppressed women and stand with the enemies of her own country.


Women, and anyone who care about our Judeo-Christian values would be foolish to vote for Kamala.


America needs a strong leader who will fight for America, its core values on the right side of history, and to preserve our future. Kamala Harris is not that person.


May God save our country from incompetent leaders whose eyes are only set on the worldly throne but not God’s kingdom.





Marziyeh Amirizadeh is an Iranian American who immigrated to the US after being sentenced to death in Iran for the crime of converting to Christianity.   She endured months of mental and physical hardships and intense interrogation. She is author of two books (the latest, A Love Journey with God), public speaker, and activist for religious freedom. She has shared her inspiring story throughout the United States and around the world, to bring awareness about the ongoing human rights violations and persecution of women and religious minorities in Iran. She can be reached at





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